Smart Watches

How To Use Google Maps On Galaxy Watch Active 2 And Galaxy Watch 3

Wouldn’t it be great if you could use your wrist to navigate? Thankfully, you can! Smartwatch technology really does provide us with excellent modern conveniences, including the ability to find our required destination, without the need to break out our smartphones. However, unfortunately, if you’re the proud owner of a Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2

How To Use Google Maps On Galaxy Watch Active 2 And Galaxy Watch 3 Read More »

14 Best Smartwatches With Google Maps Navigation (Plus Google Assistant and Google Pay)

Smartwatches have become extremely popular and it’s not difficult to see why. They have lots of uses from health and fitness, communication and navigation. It’s really frustrating to be driving, walking or cycling whilst following directions, and having to repeatedly look at your phone to find out where you are supposed to be going. If you have

14 Best Smartwatches With Google Maps Navigation (Plus Google Assistant and Google Pay) Read More »